Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Good Tradeoff

So pain is down, but spasticity is up. That is a good tradeoff.

-Pins and needles: 1
-Tingles: 0
-Paresthesias (burning): 3, burning mainly (only?) in my left foot
-Paresthesias (other): 1, crawling on my left thigh
-Numbness: 2
-Vision: 3, blurry, pain in left eye this evening
-Nerve pain: 3

-Walking: 1
-Sore muscles: 4, again, sore because I pushed it... see below
-Fine motor: 2
-Weak muscles: 3, good thing, since I had to stack wood today. Got a firewood delivery. Seriously, Heavenly Father gives us what we need to get through.
-Spasticity: 5

-Language processing: 0
-Memory: 0
-Attention: 0
-Confusion: 1

-Fatigue: 4, one of those days where I crash every two or three hours... but not low enough to fall asleep... and the two or three hours between crashes are not bad
-Balance: 3, lots of tipping this morning
-Sleep: 0
-Bladder: 1? very minimal issues, nearly normal

Emotions: Nothing to report.

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