Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Doctor = :)

I saw a new internist, Dr. Danny (not his real name). I loved him!

Remember how I was doing well yesterday morning? Unfortunately that didn't continue. Around 2:30 the exhaustion began, and I was ready for a nap. When I got to the appointment at 3:30, I was really dragging. I had to wait so long! By the time the doctor came in at 4:30, I could barely keep my eyes open.

I did perk up when I saw Dr. Danny, though, because I was so hopeful (had been praying) that he would listen and think. He did!

First, the nurse was so, so nice. Then Dr. Danny listened and asked questions. He did some simple neurological tests, and I did okay but not great.

I had trouble touching his finger when he moved it. When it was on my left side, it always seemed to be farther away than I thought it was.

I had trouble getting my balance to begin walking and to turn in another direction. I was fine once I was walking; I could walk on a line--but I did gymnastics for quite a few years. I have/had excellent balance--much better than other people.

I also had a little trouble keeping my balance when he had me close my eyes and hold up my arms. But I think I did pretty well with it. Just not as well as I would have before. Again, excellent balance.

He also asked me to run my left heel down my right shin and vice versa. I think I did that fine.

We talked. The nurse came back in and drew five tubes of blood. She tried and missed my median vein and then went for the basilic--ow. So now it looks like a vampire bit my arm.

I'm going to have an MRI of my entire spine tomorrow. I wonder how long that will take.

I have an appointment with a different neurologist, Dr. Sami, in a couple of weeks.

Dr. Danny threw out a few possible reasons for this: MS, Lyme, a virus. He said to make sure that I don't say, "Dr. Danny said I have MS!" Of course not. Actually, what I heard was, "Maybe it's a virus... A virus could just go away." Don't viruses go away? Sometimes? I understand that it might be MS, which is serious, but he did give me hope that this all might go away.

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