Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Cushion Is Deflating

One thing my friend from work said is exactly what I have been thinking. I think I've expressed it on this blog before: I was functioning at such a high level before that I had room to lose skills and still look normal to people.

When I notice myself a little wobbly, I recognize that it's a big decline, because I had that awesome gymnast's balance before. I've never slipped on ice. Seriously, my balance was legendary. Um, not anymore. But only two people around here have known me long enough to know that.

My work friend was specifically talking about my memory and language skills. She knows I am brilliant. Am? Was, maybe. I don't know what I am now. We were joking that I was lucky I had a cushion, but she knows how much I miss my former intellect. Not that it's completely gone, but it's not what it was. Hopefully that comes back or at least improves. I told her that I'm trusting my brain to keep being smart, to find workarounds. I believe my brain can make new connections around the damaged areas. Reallocate space.

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