Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Symptoms :(

Today was rough, for sure. I had new symptoms. Or familiar symptoms in new areas.

After doing a crappy job of interpreting for an hour, I had to stop and ask someone else to take over. I hoped to relieve her after an hour of rest, but I was not rested after the rest!

I emailed my nurse to tell her about the new symptoms.

-Pins and needles: 4, both feet but mostly right; also right lower leg (lateral)
-Tingles: 0
-Dysesthetic pain: 2
-Paresthesias: 7, I had nasty electric shocks on the bottoms of my feet, as well as my right lower leg (running down the lateral side, toward the front) and right arm/hand--also lateral. (NEW) Oh, and in my right upper leg, beginning as we speak--down the lateral side/back of my thigh. These problems vanish after I take gabapentin, only to reappear about 4-5 hours later. So I have four good hours and three bad ones.
-Numbness: 4, increased on the tips of my left index finger and thumb. Also on my right heel, top of foot, medial lower leg, and around knee--all new except heel.
-Vision: 1, blurry when I am tired or have focused on something close (like reading or looking at my phone)
-Nerve pain: 0
-Hearing: 0

-Walking: 2
-Sore muscles: 5, my left calf, lateral half, was killing me for a while this afternoon. Spasticity, I think.
-Fine motor: 2
-Weak muscles: 4
-Spasticity: 6, in my right leg, upper and lower, lateral side--basically down the whole side of my leg

-Processing: 2
-Memory: 2
-Attention: 1
-Confusion: 0

-Fatigue: 7
-Balance: 1
-Sleep: 1
-Bladder: 1
-Proprioception: 0
-Swallowing: 1, food sticking in back of throat, difficulty with thin liquids. Mild, I guess.
-A: 0
-B: 1

Emotions: I cried this morning. I cried at church. Twice. I nearly cried several more times at church. It really gets to me when I cannot do "my job."

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