Thursday, October 13, 2011


I saw the musical Chicago at a local dinner theater place with some friends yesterday. One of our friends was in the show. It was great! I had a wonderful time.

-Pins and needles: 1
-Tingles: 2, in my arms and hands--I don't remember specifically
-Paresthesias (burning): 0. Wow. I do not think I had any.
-Paresthesias (other): 0
-Numbness: 1
-Vision: 1, just a few floaters in my right eye
-Nerve pain: 2, down left leg

-Gait: 2
-Sore muscles: 3, spasticity in right leg increasing. Pain in muscle tendons. Also pain at bottom of right quadriceps when I woke up. MS is so weird.
-Fine motor: 2
-Weak muscles: 3
-Twitches: none
-Spasticity: 4, back of right leg. Two tendons feel like tight ropes.

-Language processing: 2 for expressive. Receptive fine.
-Memory: 4, this would be short-term memory. I always forget when I'm doing, but 90% of the time it comes back to me. I think. Unless I'm forgetting what I forgot. ;)
-Attention: 0
-Confusion: 3
-Impulsivity: 0?

-Fatigue: 5, and I did not do much during the day
-Balance: 4
-Sleep: 3, got 7.5 hours
-Bladder: 4 sometimes--hard to get started, blah blah, the usual
-Anxiety: 0

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