Friday, October 7, 2011

Hope I'm Not Getting Worse Again

No word from the MS Center. I will call on Monday. Better put that on the calendar, with my brain being the way it has lately.

Today has been the worst this week. And I am getting worse as the day goes on. I hope I'm not going into a bad weekend.

-Pins and needles: 1 for the most part, except that they show up quickly (I would severity 5) if I sit a certain way or prop my feet on the coffee table--right foot is worse, but left will be through the leg as well as the foot
-Tingles: 3, left leg, left hand, right hand
-Paresthesias (burning): 2, just some in the morning and recently. It seems like it's when I'm at the edge of taking another pill. (I'm leaving that odd language in. Going back to check, I meant close to taking another pill. That seemed not exactly right but an acceptable variant when I wrote it.)
-Paresthesias (other): 1, a weird feeling in my lower left back that feels similar to pins and needles but somehow like movement
-Numbness: 1, still that small patch on my foot. But sometimes my fingers feel semi-numb, which is really annoying. Left hand. Oh, and sometimes I lose feeling in my left leg, for example right now. My feet are propped on the coffee table with straight legs, left crossed over right. Oh and my arms start to go numb if I hold them up. But that's been for a few months now.
-Vision: 2
-Nerve pain: 3 down my left leg

-Gait: 2 most of the day, but 4 this evening
-Sore muscles: 5, I think I've done too much the last few days
-Fine motor: 3
-Weak muscles: 5
-Twitches? My foot jumped unexpectedly.

-Language processing: 2
-Memory: 4, my short-term memory is not good today
-Attention: 0
-Confusion: 1
-Impulsivity: 2 (adding a new category, sadly)

-Fatigue: 6, and I didn't do a lot
-Balance: 4, almost fell today at work, getting up from a chair with my laptop bag on my shoulder
-Sleep: 2, got 8.5 hours
-Bladder: 3, still get HIT with urgency to go, some trouble getting started, weak stream
-Anxiety: 0 I think--I don't remember any

Grieving: I began writing my story. Maybe I'll publish a book, as my friend suggested. I'm counting that as grieving. I'm starting to feel a little angry with my friends on the MS forum, which doesn't make sense.

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