Friday, October 14, 2011

A Day Behind Again

Forgot to do yesterday's numbers. I forget a lot of stuff these days. My friend was asking me this morning what happened to the business card she had let me use as a bookmark for my MS for Dummies book. The book was sitting open at my spot. I had absolutely no memory of her giving me that card, much less where it might be. I suppose it will turn up. Luckily I remember the name of the chimney company, so I can google it if necessary.

-Pins and needles: 0
-Tingles: Don't remember
-Paresthesias (burning): 1, right foot
-Paresthesias (other): 0
-Numbness: 1
-Vision: 1, a few floaters in each eye
-Nerve pain: 2, down left leg

-Gait: 2
-Sore muscles: bottom of quads
-Fine motor: 3
-Weak muscles: 3
-Twitches: none
-Spasticity: 4, back of right leg, maybe insertion of quads bilaterally but worse on right

-Language processing: 2 
-Memory: 4
-Attention: 1
-Confusion: 3
-Impulsivity: 1

-Fatigue: 5
-Balance: 3
-Sleep: 4, got 7.5 hours but woke up several times
-Bladder: 4 
-Anxiety: 0

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