Saturday, March 31, 2012

Functional Me

Five days and going strong[er]. I am not saying that I am normal. But I am doing great compared with how I was! With pain and fatigue decreased, I am a new woman.

Today I worked with a friend to blue-tape and ceiling-paint a bathroom. We are doing to continue the project tomorrow. I had kind of a rough morning but pushed through with taping, taking only one break... then got super sick from dairy... then watched TV for a couple of hours... then got mildly hypothermic with pain and shivering (we should probably turn on the heat when it is 60 degrees in here)... then got under blankets dozed off and on for two hours... then painted the bathroom ceiling... then watched TV... then put a second coat on the ceiling... then watched more TV! Lots of breaks = functional me.

-Pins and needles: 0
-Tingles: 0
-Dysesthetic pain: 4
-Paresthesias: 1, some random vibrations in my feet
-Numbness: 3
-Vision: 0
-Nerve pain: 4
-Hearing: 1

-Walking: 1
-Sore muscles: 4
-Spasticity: 3
-Weak muscles: 2
-Endurance: 2
-Fine motor: 1

-Processing: 1
-Memory: 0
-Attention: 0
-Confusion: 0

-Fatigue: 4
-Balance: 1
-Sleep: 0, I was so excited when I slept 7 hours straight! Then another hour... plus my afternoon nap.
-Bladder: 1
-Proprioception: 1
-Swallowing: 1
-A: 0
-B: 8

Emotions: Fine, I guess. I was happy that I was able to do so much.

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