Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Yesterday's Numbers--Last Day of Solu-Medrol

-Pins and needles: 0
-Tingles: 3
-Paresthesias: 0
-Numbness: 1
-Vision: 4--couldn't read the TV guide channel, struggled to read [large] closed captions, couldn't see the needles on the tree on the deck (haven't seen those since Sunday)

-Gait: 1
-Sore muscles: 4, lower when taking ibuprofen (which I have done all day because of my period)
-Fine motor: 4
-Weak muscles: 4

-Language processing: 2
-Memory: 1
-Attention: 0
-Confusion: 2

-Fatigue: 7
-Balance: 3--maybe Solu-Medrol makes it worse?
-Sleep: 3
-Bladder: 5--I'm hardly peeing much at all. I'm drinking the same amount as usual. Hard to get it going and keep it going.
-Anxiety: 2

I got some pretty significant joint pain in my left knee last night, and some (much less severe) in both of my elbows. I assume this is from the Solu-Medrol.

Still generally felt sickly all day: mild headache, mild body aches, tired (I am anyway), some stomach pain.

While I'm writing this... floaters in my vision are bugging me. Seems like they're worst in the morning?

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