Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Stop the Fire

My left foot and even leg were just burning and burning last night. It got bad enough that I was near tears. Sitting makes it worse, but what can I do, stand all day? More like lie down all day. Lying on my stomach was good, made it decrease enough that I could sleep.

And sleep I did, eight hours, only getting up once. Ahhh... My head is not tired at all. My legs are. They're so wimpy. And now that I'm sitting, my foot is starting to burn again, and the back of my leg. It's along my sciatic nerve.

Dr. Gabby has not sent my letter of medical necessity for ACTH!! She told me on Thursday that she would do it on Friday. It's Tuesday! Come on! I asked the secretary to stay on her about it today. After that letter is sent, apparently it can take 5-7 days to go through insurance. Another week of burning? Please no.

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