Sunday, September 18, 2011


So I've now had three Solu-Medrol treatments. Two more to go. I think maybe they're helping, but it's hard to say. The most noticeable side effect has been a horrible, bitter taste that begins about half an hour into the treatment and continues for about 10 hours. Eating is rather unappealing--milk tastes spoiled, sweet things taste bitter. Even water tastes awful. I can eat salty foods, but I'm not really hungry for the rest of the day after a treatment. I seem to be in the mood for cereal afterward, but I can't eat it with the milk tasting rotten.

Another side effect has been feeling sort of like a have the flu. Achy, headachy, tired during the day but not sleeping well at night. Well, I did sleep fine Friday night but not last night. I had other things going on last night, too. I'm going to write a separate blog post about this stuff. I emailed my best friend about it, so I can just modify the email I sent her and post it here.

Let's do today's numbers. Keep in mind that I do not know how much is the Solu-Medrol and how much is the MS.

-Pins and needles: 2
-Tingles: 1
-Paresthesias: 1
-Numbness: 2
-Vision: 3--I had difficulty reading music today, and things have been blurrier than normal. Tiredness? The music things was weird and new. It was hard to tell which line the notes were on. 

-Gait: 1--went to church today
-Sore muscles: 3, and I am taking ibuprofen for my period back pain
-Fine motor: 3
-Weak muscles: 4

-Language processing: 3
-Memory: 2
-Attention: 1
-Confusion: 2

-Fatigue: 7 this morning but I was up at 3:00 am--only got 5 hours of sleep. I took a nap in the afternoon, and my fatigue has been more like a 3 or 4
-Balance: 3--really bad when I don't have total light, like trying to walk in the middle of the night with only the light from the clock or nightlight
-Sleep: 7
-Bladder: 4--difficult to get anything out. I know I'm not eliminating as much as I'm taking in, and my urethra seems to be irritated. Hope I'm not getting a UTI.
-Anxiety: 1

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