Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Temperature Processing

For about two weeks, I have been taking an herb called Vitex, aka Chaste Berry, aka Vitex Agnus Castus. I am taking 400 mg three times daily.

It has really helped with my temperature sensation. I have only gotten hot once in the last week, which was yesterday, when I really overdid it. I walked about a store with my friend for two hours. I did sit down sometimes (yes, on the floor--that is how tired I was), but I was on my feet a lot. Hanging on the cart, ha.

So that was the only time I have been hot. And many times I have been COLD. This is so unusual for me this past year. I used to be cold most of the time, but since my MS hit hard, I have almost never been cold. I mean, we are talking outside in 30 degree weather in a tee shirt and not cold.

Vitex is supposed to cause the body to make more estrogen. I chose to use it after realizing that researchers have concluded that estrogen probably acts as a natural steroid, calming the inflammation of MS. I did not expect it to impact my temperature processing. That was an unexpected boon!

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