Thursday, October 4, 2012

Need. Sleep.

Today I felt the most sick I have felt in a while, probably since the last time I was on steroids. Well, the last time I had a full course of steroids--the one day in July does not really count.

Last night I slept an hour, woke up, another hours, etc. All night long! But on the positive side, I fell asleep in less than an hour, and I went back to sleep within 20 minutes each time. Part of the problem was that I was hot--still trying to figure out the temperature setting that will work now that I am downstairs. But part of it was just me, sleeping shallowly. At least I am out of the "take two hours to fall asleep, sleep two hours, and feel totally awake the rest of the night" habit. Hopefully things are moving in the right direction, as my nurse likes to say. But I am still exhausted, feel SICK, and want to cry. Maybe I should, because it often helps. Crying and eating sometimes help.

I do not sleep when I am on steroids, so maybe that is why I feel similarly to those times.

My morning was terrible, the afternoon was more bearable, but then I have gotten worse again since getting home from work. Thank goodness I had rides today. This morning I absolutely would have stayed home if I had not had a ride. But I enjoy going to work, absolutely adore my students, so I want to be there.

I have not heard anything from the sleep clinic! I will email Alyssa to see if Dr. Rick has filled out the referral paperwork. Or if he has even received it.

I guess I had better take Ambien again tonight. I can go without it tomorrow night. Ugh, except that tomorrow is my shot day, and I want to sleep through the side effects. There is never a good time to miss sleep!

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